Union Island

Union is a beautiful, undulating island with a harbour, lush tropical vegetation and fabulous world class beaches. Also called the Tahiti of the West Indies, it is popular with sailors, divers and kite surfers.

It lies 148 miles (±90 km.) southwest of Barbados and within view of the island of Carriacou and the mainland of Grenada, both directly south.

Clifton and Ashton are the two principal towns. The island is home to approximately 3,000 residents. English is the official language, but French and German are spoken by some merchants in Clifton as well. The island is 3 miles (±4,8 km.) long and 1 mile (±1,6 km.) wide, but the hilly landscaped structure makes the island look much bigger. The island has an airport servicing domestic flights to Saint Vincent and the other Grenadines islands. The temperature is approximately 30 degrees or 86 degrees Fahrenheit all year long. Union Island is undeniably desirable, this beautiful islands is the most pristine and peaceful one.

Island Enviroment

In the neighbourhood of the towns of Ashton and Clifton, there are multiple hiking routes. These routes go through the island’s fantastic hilly landscape. The various St. Vincent and the Grenadines islands offer numerous possibilities to sail through deep-blue waters, cruise in
comfortable style and eat delicious fresh local food in exciting marinas.

The Caribbean

Union Island is part of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, which is an independent sovereign state of the Caribbean and part of the Commonwealth of Nations and the Windward Islands. The country’s closest neighbours are Grenada to the south, St. Lucia, Mustique and St. Vincent to the north and Barbados to the east.